Recovery #2

Treatment  |  Recovery #2  |  Frank Turner

Taking as it's point of inspiration the intro scene to the 1991 film 'The Year that Punk Broke', Recovery would take the premise of a raw documentary piece shot on the way and during the first few gig dates of Jan in Finland. Shot primarily on Super 8 - both black and white and colour - the piece would be a low-key affair with just myself and a DoP travelling with Frank over two days. There would be a few planned scenarios to do with locations and setting, alongside straight documentary content of those days on tour.

An element I'd like to highlight is the constant flow of words - almost 500 - within the song. I would like to bring in a typographic element, using screenprinted stop-frame animation to embellish and fuse with the super 8 film. Please see the Kate Nash example in the list as a starter point of reference.

Soundchecks and the performances themselves would be incorporated alongside other filmed renditions of Recovery, and I am keen to utilise a slightly excessive multi-cam performance sourced from audience members phones, flitting between countless viewpoints of the gig as an ending to the film.

Colour, tone and texture are the primary focus within this, using the super 8 aesthetic to create what will be an off-the-cuff, energetic and visually rich three minutes and fifteen seconds.