Services No Longer Required Trailer
Trailer | Services No Longer Required Trailer | Imperial War Museum North
The powerful story of a soldier from Salford who fought in the First World War was brought to life in a series of performances in October 2014 with players from the BBC Philharmonic and Salford Symphony Orchestra at the Imperial War Museum North on Salford Quay forming part of the national World War one Centenary commemorations. Composer Richard Taylor has written an original score for Services No Longer Required, and Di Sherlock has written the script/libretto. Soup Collective created a unique 360º backdrop for the show utilising the IWMN's immersive video environment.
Graham Boxer, IWM North Director said: ‘The story of Private Burke is one which represents an entire generation. Now, we are pleased to be able re-tell his experiences like never before, thanks to a unique creative partnership between IWM North, the BBC Philharmonic and Soup Collective.”